Elementor #559

Our Favorite Kitchen Cabinet Features Part 1

Kitchen Cabinet Features 1

Kitchen cabinets are one of the most customized home remodeling projects. Most homeowners usually focus on the design, color, and overall aesthetic. The usability and functionality features of the cabinet are usually less considered. We believe that adding the right features can add great value to your cabinets.

Here are some of our favorite kitchen cabinet features to consider:

Roll-Out Pantry

Roll-Out pantries are usually a set of shelves that can either roll or slide out of your cabinet. This allows for an easy and convenient way of organizing your kitchen items. Roll-Out Pantries can also be a compact alternative to a food pantry.

Trash and Recycling Pull-Out

Trash and recycling pull-outs are almost a standard feature on modern kitchen cabinets. It helps save some kitchen space from where your trash and recycling bins would normally be placed. It also allows easier access to disposing of scraps when cooking.

Base Microwave 

A base microwave feature is one of the newer and growing trends. It’s a section of your cabinet area that can store your microwave, usually below the countertop. This offers a minimalistic aesthetic on your kitchen’s countertop.

Spice Storage Drawer

A spice storage drawer is a great option near your cooking area. This allows great organization and easy access to your Spices.

Planning and designing your next kitchen cabinet project can be time-consuming and a complicated process. Here at Handcraft Inc., our specialists can help build your dream kitchen.

Contact us today for a free estimate at (425)864-0139.